We are the charity infrastructure support service for voluntary, community and faith-based groups, social enterprises and charitable organisations in Stockport.  

Established in 2019, Sector 3 is a registered charity and independent organisation, providing advice, resources and a voice to the Voluntary, Community, Faith-based and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector in Stockport.

We work to protect a prosperous environment for the VCFSE sector to excel in, so that it can continue to do what it does best, support our communities to thrive.

Our Services

Latest news


Funding Support

Get support with funding

Kaylie is your Senior Funding Development Lead at Sector 3 and is available to support you with finding and securing funding and diversifying your income.

Join the Proper Good Business Club

A space for local businesses to meet charitable organisations and make mutually beneficialy connections.

Supporting a thriving sector

Stockport’s VCFSE Sector Strategy

A commitment to supporting a thriving Voluntary, Community Faith based & Social Enterprise sector in Stockport through three priority areas:

  • Investment

  • Capacity Building

  • Community Power

Stay up to date

Make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest news happening in Stockport’s VCFSE sector. You can choose which newsletter to receive, whether you’re a community organisation or a business, we can tailor updates to your interests.

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