Who are we
We are the charity infrastructure support service for voluntary, community and faith-based groups, social enterprises and charitable organisations in Stockport.
What does this mean?
Established in 2019, Sector3 is a registered charity, providing advice, resources and a voice to the Voluntary, Community, Faith-based and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector in Stockport.
Our Vision
Is a Stockport full of vibrant, healthy & inclusive communities
Our Mission
Is to foster a thriving third sector in Stockport by developing a supportive network which provides opportunities for growth and shared learning.
All with the aim of fostering resilience and longevity in the sector so that it can continue to do what it does best, support our communities to prosper.
How do we do this?
Our actions are guided by our values.
These have been devised with the VCFSE sector and allow the sector to hold us to account to ensure we’re continuously delivering a service of value:
We are led by the sector, for the sector
We are not afraid to confront challenges head on
We work with stakeholders to tackle the issues facing our sector
What’s different about Sector3?
It’s led by and for Stockport’s VCFSE sector
It’s been developed by and with local VCFSE organisations
Is independent from other stakeholders
It offers dedicated support and funding specifically for Stockport’s VCFSE community
It delivers tailored support to all in the sector regardless of shape or size
Our Impact 2021
VCFSE’s individually supported
awarded to Stockport VCFSE’s
Stockport organisations received funding
We’ll be building on this in 2022, offering Stockport third sector organisations increased opportunities for funding and development, supporting organisations to deliver social action on local priorities.