The national government has no clear plan or strategy to address poverty. Whilst many of the main drivers to tackle poverty lie with central government, the projected increases in poverty over the next few years mean that action at a local level is more important than ever. There are examples of good practice and impact from places where there is a strong policy and strategic focus on addressing poverty, delivered through, and steered by a robust anti-poverty strategy. However, there is a lack of up-to-date research that explores best practice and effective approaches in the design and implementation of local anti-poverty strategies.
Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s new report, Local anti-poverty strategies: Good practice and effective approaches (to be published on 22nd February) helps to fill this gap by providing a framework for what an effective local anti-poverty strategy should look like to support local authorities and partners to develop and/or improve their strategic approach.
Join them on Wednesday 22 February for a report launch webinar.
Register here