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VCFSE Sector Consultation - Working in Partnership towards Family Hubs

You are invited to join us in the development of Family Hubs in Stockport.

Stockport Family have been successful in bidding for funding from the Department for Education to support our transition to Family Hubs.   

What are Family Hubs?

Family hubs are a way of joining up locally and bringing existing family help services together.  This will help improve access to services, connections between families, professionals, services, and providers, and put relationships at the heart of family help. Family hubs bring together services for families with children of all ages (0-19) or up to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), with a great Start for Life offer at their core.

The development of Family Hub networks builds on our integrated education, health and care offer to bring effective earlier support to children and families closer to where they live, learn and transition.  Teams will be based together and work closer with local community organisations in partnership.  We want to connect people to offers of support based on their own experience, develop relationship support and make sure the online offer is really helpful. 

We hope you can join us for this virtual workshop. We really value your involvement to get a better understanding of how we can work together towards family hubs.  There will be lots of opportunity for getting involved and having your say. 

More information about Family Hubs and the Start for Life Programme can be found on the DfE website.

Register here

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